Selasa, Oktober 10, 2006

Pemenang Nobel Ekonomi 2006...

Edmund Phelps...adalah Edmund Phelps, pakar ekonomi makro. Kompas hari ini meliput secara ringkas tentang Phelps, namun ringkasan yang lebih lengkap tentang kontribusi Edmund Phelps bagi ilmu ekonomi menurut Komite Hadiah Nobel dapat Anda baca di sini. Sedikit kutipan dari dokumen tersebut:
Phelps’s contributions from the late 1960s and early 1970s radically changed our perception of the interaction between inflation and unemployment. The new theory made it possible to better understand the underlying causes of the increases in inflation and unemployment that took place during the 1970s. A key result was that the long-run rate of unemployment cannot be influenced by monetary or fiscal policy affecting aggregate demand. Phelps’s analysis thus identified important limitations on what demand-management policy can achieve.

Jika ada waktu, akan ada blog terpisah tentang ini. Sementara itu, silakan menyimak tulisan Phelps yang dikliping oleh Project Syndicate ini.