Selasa, Desember 04, 2007

Data untuk para peneliti

Jika Anda mahasiswa atau peneliti -- khususnya dalam bidang studi pembangunan -- yang mencari data untuk melakukan analisis empiris, silakan lihat contains links to developing country data on inequality, trade, aid, education, agriculture, migration, health, FDI, population, governance and debt, and to websites that host and/or catalogue household survey data. The links take you directly to the data you need or to the database or publication that contain the data. For each area, there is a brief data description or list of the variables available. Searchable, general databases that include data for many different variables can be found under databases together with topic-specific databases.

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At 3/10/2008 01:51:00 AM, Anonymous Anonim said...

tq mas arya infonya,kebetulan sy sdg cari data xm barang n jasa singapura 90-03...akhirnya nemu juga linknya disini.


At 3/10/2008 02:22:00 AM, Blogger Arya Gaduh said...

Senang bisa membantu.


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